In the picturesque town of Langley, BC, resides the hair whisperer himself, Luie. With over a decade of mastery, his new shop stands as an enchanting haven where style meets camaraderie. Beyond haircuts, he crafts masterpieces and sparks connections. Step into his world and experience the magic firsthand.
Luie's Barbershop has just opened a new location in Willoughby! 🚀 Enjoy top-notch cuts, styles, and shaves from our skilled barbers. We look forward to welcoming you to our new spot. See you soon in Willoughby!
Please note that our Willoughby location is strictly Walk-Ins only.
Luie and his team have been offering premium hair cuts for over ten years!
We are open and available seven days of the week from Monday to Sunday
Walk-ins are always welcome